Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Just Another Day

Finally had that heart2heart talk with you ytd night.
It cleared my mind of all the useless worries and thoughts.
It marks an end and a new beginning in life.
I can finally feel myself now, and the life I'm having now. Thank you very much for it.

Work is a bore today. Treated uncle Henry lunch. I'm totally amazed by the food we had today.
Although they seems small in size, but they sure seems very filling..haha

Met J&J and mario for dinner as usual again. Well i can feel Julye is a little pissed with my stupidity, and the 2 big guys kinda look down on me as 'bui kan'. We went Alexandra for dinner, and i swear, as i took every spoon of the black pepper chicken rice in, i feel like puking..haha

We over to Queensway shopping centre for a walk. Coincidentally, Gutu was shopping there too. Keep playing hide&seek with me. Thanks for the belated birthday, i din see that got me get something for you on your birthday..haha

everytime i shower,
i remember the moments we had back then.
but now its all over..haha

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